
The Santiago network is receiving expressions of interest for membership to the network. This page provides an overview of the membership eligibility and the process for submission of expressions of interest. Detailed information on membership is available in the guidelines for the designation of organizations, bodies, networks and experts (OBNE) as members of the Santiago network.

What does membership to the Santiago network mean? 

The members of the Santiago network will play a crucial role in achieving the goal and functions of the network. 

Members of the network will have the opportunity to: 

  • Respond to calls for technical assistance requests from countries through the network’s approved processes.
  • Benefit from expertise and experience developed through their work with the network.
  • Showcase their services in the areas of loss and damage through the network and be included as a member of the network on the official website.
  • Share and exchange knowledge and expertise with other members of the network.
  • Participate in networking opportunities with other members to facilitate collaboration, including opportunities for funding to respond to loss and damage.
  • Contribute to and benefit from work being done in the area of loss and damage, particularly through the Santiago network’s alignment with the work of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism and the Fund for responding to Loss and Damage.

Who can become a member?

Organizations, bodies, networks and experts can become members of the network. These are defined as: 

  • Organizations - independent legal entities.
  • Bodies - groups that are not necessarily independent legal entities.
  • Networks - interconnected groups of organizations or individuals that collaborate, share resources, or coordinate activities to achieve common goals. These networks can vary in structure, purpose, and scope but do not necessarily have legally established arrangements such as consortiums.
  • Experts - individuals who are recognized specialists in a specific field.

Potential members must meet the following criteria to join the Santiago network:

How can you become a member?

The membership process is initiated through the submission of an expression of interest using a standard form. All completed forms will be evaluated and decisions will be communicated to potential members. 

*Through the network's approved processes

Expressions of interest will be accepted on a rolling basis and membership to the Santiago network will remain open. We recommend submitting your expressions of interest as early as possible to be able to respond to incoming technical assistance requests.

To submit your expression of interest form, you can: 

  • Sign up for the Santiago network portal and complete and submit your expression of interest. All attachments can be added directly to the form in the portal.
  • Fill out the pdf form and submit the form, as well as all relevant supporting documents, by email to

Potential members should review the detailed checklist before completing the expression of interest form. 


  • Confirm your eligibility for membership:
  • Compile the information needed for the form:
    • Proven expertise (topics and activities)
    • Proven experience 
    • Statement of motivation and value addition for joining the Santiago network (300 words) - optional 
  • Compile the relevant supporting documents: 
  • Compile communications and visibility material - optional supplementary information:
    • Logo (hi-res png file) 
    • Biographical note (75-100 words) 
  • Complete the expression of interest form on the Santiago network portal:
    • Fill out all required sections of the form
    • Attach all supporting documents
    • Submit the form

A global webinar on membership to the network was conducted in October 2024. Additional guidance and recordings are available on the webinar page

For any questions related to membership, please contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

Organizations, bodies, networks and experts (OBNEs) that meet the criteria outlined in the OBNE membership guidelines (Section 3) are eligible for membership in the Santiago network. OBNEs are defined as follows:

  • Organizations (O): Independent legal entities.
  • Bodies (B): A broader term that can refer to groups that are not necessarily independent legal entities.
  • Networks (N): Interconnected groups of organizations or individuals that collaborate, share resources, or coordinate activities to achieve common goals. These networks can vary in structure, purpose, and scope but do not necessarily have legally established arrangements such as consortiums.
  • Experts (E): Individuals who are recognized specialists in a specific field.

There are three core membership criteria for Santiago network membership, in line with the OBNE membership guidelines, including: 

  1. Criterion 1: Proven expertise in topics relevant to averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage.
  2. Criterion 2: Demonstrated experience in providing technical assistance in topics relevant to averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage (three years experience is required, with potential exemptions for selected OBNEs).
  3. Criterion 3: Commitments (i.e. to cross-cutting issues under the Paris Agreement, adherence to conflict of interest guidelines, and adherence to appropriate environmental and social safeguards).

Membership criteria will be reviewed every two years, as necessary, based on lessons learned and experiences, with approval from the Advisory Board.

No, the Santiago network does not charge any membership fees at any stage during the membership process. 

All organizations, bodies or networks must demonstrate a minimum of three years of experience in topics relevant to averting, minimizing, and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change. However, the Director of the Santiago network secretariat can make exemptions for specific OBNEs, particularly those representing local communities, indigenous peoples, youth and children, etc.

The duration of membership in the Santiago network is open-ended. Members will be requested to inform the secretariat of any changes when responding to a call for proposals for technical assistance requests. 

Membership may be terminated by the Santiago network secretariat due to fraud, misconduct, or violation of commitments made as part of the membership, including conflicts of interest. The Advisory Board will be informed in such instances to provide further guidance. Members may also voluntarily withdraw from the Santiago network by notifying the secretariat and will receive confirmation of their withdrawal once the request is processed.

Yes, but this will be subject to the relevant provisions of the organization, body or network to which they are employed or have associations, and to adhere to relevant guidelines including on conflicts of interest

Yes, individual experts can join the Santiago network through their consultancy firms as organisations. If the expression of interest form is submitted as an organisation, sufficient proof must be provided to demonstrate that the organisation meets all eligibility criteria. 

Please note, members will only be able to respond to calls for proposals for the provision of technical assistance in accordance with their membership type. This means that if an individual joins as an expert, they cannot respond to calls for proposals on behalf of their consultancy firm.

There are no specific environmental and social safeguards for the Santiago network, but members must adhere to the general principles of such safeguards. Specific details on environmental and social safeguards will be elaborated in the call for proposals/terms of reference when responding to technical assistance requests, where relevant.

It is recommended that expressions of interest are submitted through the Santiago network portal or, alternatively, by email using the dedicated PDF form via

No, there is no deadline for submission. Expressions of interest for Santiago network membership are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. 

Interested OBNEs can demonstrate experience by providing descriptions of relevant projects/initiatives in the expression of interest form. 

Recognized expertise includes tangible evidence of prior work, such as project reports, strategic plans, annual reports, CVs, professional certifications, etc., and other supporting documents relevant to averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with climate change.

Yes, networks must list all their members but links to the member page on the network's official website are also accepted, provided it lists all members. 

Members of a network should be listed through the additional information section for networks in the expression of interest form, as well as with the supplementary information.

Expressions of interest are reviewed as quickly as possible, but processing times may vary depending on submission volume and completeness. Once a decision on membership has been made, OBNEs will receive a notification by email.

If critical information is missing, OBNEs will be contacted with a request to provide further information. Incomplete submissions may cause delays until all required information is provided.

If additional information is needed to complete the membership evaluation process, you will receive an email with further guidance, asking you to resubmit your expression of interest through the Santiago network portal or by email.

Please contact us at for guidance, as the process may vary depending on the specific circumstances and the type of documents submitted in another language. At this time, we recommend submitting both the original documents and their translated versions in English. In the future, we aim to offer the option for submission of the expression of interest form and supporting documentation in additional official UN languages.

This depends on the legal nature and structure of the organization or body. It will also depend on the policies that govern the organization or body. For specific cases, please contact us at

Members of the network will have the opportunity to: 

  • Respond to calls for technical assistance requests from countries through the network’s approved processes.
  • Benefit from expertise and experience developed through their work with the network.
  • Showcase their services in the areas of loss and damage through the network and be included as a member of the network on the official website.
  • Share and exchange knowledge and expertise with other  members of the network.
  • Participate in networking opportunities with other members to facilitate collaboration, including opportunities for funding to respond to loss and damage.
  • Contribute to and benefit from work being done in the area of loss and damage, particularly through the Santiago network’s alignment with the work of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism and the Fund for responding to Loss and Damage.

Membership in the Santiago network allows OBNEs to respond to calls of proposals for the provision of technical assistance through the network’s approved processes. Thus, members are providers of technical assistance, expertise and knowledge to countries.

Requesting technical assistance is a separate demand-driven process initiated by countries. For more information on this, please see the guidelines and procedures for responding to requests for technical assistance

Once OBNEs have been designated as members of the Santiago network and have provided consent through their expression of interest form, their information will be published and made publicly accessible on the Santiago network website.

The Santiago network secretariat will provide overall guidance on completing and submitting expressions of interest, including responding to specific questions received. The secretariat will also conduct information-sharing sessions such as webinars. More information is available via the membership page on our website including access to the recording and presentation of the previously held global webinar

In addition, consult the expression of interest checklist to help you complete all relevant forms.