
Stay updated on news around the Santiago network!

Santiago network ready to deliver technical assistance to countries and communities most vulnerable to climate change News Image
Santiago network ready to deliver technical assistance to countries and communities most vulnerable to climate change

13 September 2024

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Technical assistance for those at the frontlines of climate-induced loss and damage – moving ahead in building the Santiago network News Image
Technical assistance for those at the frontlines of climate-induced loss and damage – moving ahead in building the Santiago network

12 July 2024

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We are hiring! Director, Santiago network (D1) News Image
We are hiring! Director, Santiago network (D1)

23 April 2024 
This vacancy is closed.

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Reduction of global loss and damage is a step closer with selection of Geneva as the Santiago network host city News Image
Reduction of global loss and damage is a step closer with selection of Geneva as the Santiago network host city

20 March 2024

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UN General Assembly moves forward network for climate action News Image
UN General Assembly moves forward network for climate action

21 March 2024

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COP28: Joint statement on the future of the Santiago network News Image
COP28: Joint statement on the future of the Santiago network

03 December 2023

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UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and UNOPS will host the secretariat of the Santiago network which aims to avert, minimize and address loss and damage from the impacts of climate change News Image
UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and UNOPS will host the secretariat of the Santiago network which aims to avert, minimize and address loss and damage from the impacts of climate change

03 December 2023

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